
HR Tech Update: The renewed focus on staff engagement

HR TECH UPDATE: Employee engagement has become a major focus for HR leaders in Southeast Asia, and in recent years improving technology has made it much easier to measure this vital metric.
Employee surveys are a great way to gain insights into how engaged and happy employees are at work. However, they generally take a lot of planning as well as carefully thought-out execution in order to get right. While the results from employee surveys can be invaluable as a retention tool, obtaining that data, and deriving truly valuable insights from it takes effort.
Thankfully, HR technology has made huge advances in this area, making it easier to roll out employee surveys and analyse the results. There are also ancillary benefits.
The mere fact that HR is carrying out a survey can often have a positive impact on employees, happy that management is interested in their views. The actions that an organisation takes following a survey can also lead to higher retention rates, lower absenteeism, improved productivity, and generally higher employee morale.
The three most common types of surveys cover employee opinion and satisfaction, employee culture, and employee engagement. Employee opinion and satisfaction surveys typically measure the views, attitudes, and perceptions of their organisation, and are often also known as “climate surveys”.
Employee culture surveys measure the points of view of employees and are designed to assess whether these align with those of the organisation, while employee engagement surveys measure employees’ commitment, motivation, and sense of purpose and passion for both their work and organisation.
One HR tech player in this field is CultureMonkey which helps build and launch employee engagement surveys. Its end-to-end employee engagement survey software is designed to simplify the survey launching process through a number of steps. Companies can create survey templates, add customised questions, gather responses quickly and then analyse those results.
CultureMonkey relies on a research-based library of feedback survey templates with a collection of relevant employee survey questions. These questions measure employee engagement and enable HR to track metrics like employee wellness, inclusivity, and job satisfaction.
Another player is HuddleUp, which helps build a culture of continuous feedback to help organisations create an engaging and high-performance work environment. Its tech tools allow conversational anonymous check-ins with employees powered by an AI-bot to understand their sentiments and experiences in real-time. On top of this, it can help build a data-driven action plan based on the findings.
What’s good about its software is that it lets managers drive engagement at their team level by identifying the areas of competence that need improvement. It also offers attrition predictions that highlight segments at risk and recommend one-on-one meetings to retain top talent.
HR Tech Update, by Chief of Staff Asia’s Technology Editor Justin Harper, appears every Thursday from 6:00am.

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