Time, money, and knowledge – these three things often act as barriers to smaller businesses implementing human resource technology into their management systems. Larger enterprises have more of these resources to expend on HR tech, and many tech developers focus their efforts on appealing to and creating products for these large enterprises. However, HR tech for smaller businesses exists, and can be incredibly beneficial when used correctly, as well as providing a return on investment that justifies adding HR tech.
In fact, small and medium-sized businesses are more likely to have feature-rich technology at their disposal, due to their size and location. At large enterprises, HR tech is crucial to daily operation – if it goes down, hundreds of employees in different regions will be affected. Since the effects of an HR technology going offline temporarily are comparatively less catastrophic at a small business, such as a startup, tech providers can develop their products and experiment with new features at a faster rate.
This makes technologies developed for small businesses more flexible and scalable, adapting to businesses as their needs and size grow. Customisation of the technology is also a more feasible option for smaller businesses; they can invest in cost-effective cloud-based or software-as-a-service (SaaS) tech solutions. These platforms address specific challenges, such as automating time-consuming tasks (for example, payroll processing or performance evaluations) and integrating business systems together (such as accounting software with project management tools).
This is crucial for companies trying to grow in workforce and product range while competing with larger enterprises; HR tech is the answer to many common issues. By streamlining processes, enabling self-service, simplifying recruitment, and improving innovation, small businesses can gain the competitive edge needed to thrive in their niche. Talenox is one example of HR software that is incredibly cost-effective, while providing businesses a comprehensive database integrating employee data with payroll and leave processes. With the benefit of being more customisable as well, such platforms become more adept at offering enhanced adaptability and accessibility for small businesses.
Small and medium-sized businesses shouldn’t put off searching for the right application of technology to use in their operations. A company doesn’t need to have hundreds of employees in multiple locations to benefit from HR technology. While HR technology solutions made for small and medium-sized enterprises may not have the full suite of capabilities, they do provide core solutions needed to more effectively and efficiently manage HR functions such as payroll, recruitment, and performance management.
HR Tech Update — Insights you need to know about recent technologies to streamline HR functions scheduled every Thursday @ 6:00 AM brought to you by Chief of Staff Asia