
Number of full-time workers in Indonesia rises

Indonesia’s Central Statistic Agency announced that working conditions in the country have improved, backed by the growing portion of full time employees, Margo Yuwono, head of the agency said.

“The percentage of full-time workers or those who work more than 35 hours per week shows an increase from 64.30% in August 2021 to 68.46% in August 2022,” Margo said.

There is also an increase in formal workers, Margo added that of 135 million workers, 37.6% are labourers or staff and employees.

“The increase in the number of formal workers shows that the situation continues to improve even though it has not fully recovered to pre-pandemic proportions,” he said.

The agency found that the agricultural, trade and manufacturing sectors have drawn in the highest number of workers.

From August 2021 to August 2022, it was reported that the agriculture sector accommodated 1.57 million workers, while the trade industry accommodated 450,000 employees. Whereas the manufacturing sector accommodated 470,000 workers.

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