
HR Stars Awards: Best Covid Management Strategies

The Covid-19 pandemic created unprecedented challenges for organisations and their staff around the world. Far beyond typical business continuity preparations from before 2020, this unprecedented health crisis forced organisations to quickly reach and continuously adapt to the fast-changing business conditions.

The Best Covid Management Strategies Award, part of the inaugural HR Stars Awards programme in 2023,  recognises organisations that demonstrated exceptional leadership and management in navigating the challenges posed by the pandemic.

It celebrates the organisation that has demonstrated the most effective use of Covid management strategies, including crisis communication, remote work policies, employee safety measures, and other innovative solutions to mitigate the impact of the pandemic.

Judges will look at these key criteria when assessing the finalists and eventual winner of the Best Covid Management Strategies. They are:

  • Crisis communication: How effectively did the organisation communicate with its employees, stakeholders, and the public during the pandemic? Did they provide clear and timely information about policies, procedures, and safety measures?
  • Remote work policies: How well did the organisation support remote work during the pandemic? Did they have the technology, infrastructure, and resources in place to enable employees to work from home effectively?
  • Employee safety measures: What measures did the organisation take to ensure the safety and well-being of its employees during the pandemic? Did they provide personal protective equipment, implement social distancing measures, or offer mental health support for employees?

The Essential Guide to Nominating:
Best Covid Management Strategies

Nominations are open for:

  • Organisations and Teams in:
    • Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, and Malaysia

Questions for nominees (suggested responses of 20-250 words each):

  • Please tell us why you think your organisation should be recognised for the award “Best in Covid-Management Strategies”.
  • How do you measure the success of your Covid-Management Strategies?

Nominees are also able to provide digital files, images, or video in support of their answers.

Other details required:

  • Name and contact details of the person nominating
  • Name and contact details of a relevant HR leader (if different) who can verify participation in the HR Stars Awards


Click here to nominate your organisation for the Best Covid Management Strategies.

Click here to find out more about the HR Stars Awards, including other categories, key dates, and frequently asked questions.

Nominations absolutely must close on May 28, 2023

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